[IIOE Global Webinar] - Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education
Mar 19, 2023 - Mar 20, 2023

Next Wednesday, IIOE and UNESCO Global Monitoring Report (GEMR) will co-organise a webinar on the topic of 'Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education'. In this webinar, UNESCO GEM will present their leading findings in their latest report <Non-state Actors in education - 7. Tertiary Education>IIOE Expert Panel, as invited guest speakers, will discuss related impacts and solutions for higher education digital transformation.


Topic: Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education

Date: Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

Time: 8:00 ~ 9:00 AM (UTC Time)

Language: English

Now Register via ZOOM


Meeting ID: 897 7432 4862

IIOE is dedicated to bringing innovative theories & practices to higher education professionals worldwide in realising Higher Education digital transformation.

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